There were so many takeaways from this intense week, and all of them are already being put into action through the work I do with my clients. I’m sharing two of them here that really stand out as essential if you want to build a successful brand.
❶ Know your customer: beyond the demographics of name, marital status and how many kids they have, we need to go deep on WHO our clients REALLY are, building a clear picture of where they are in their life right now and what’s been going on in their life to bring them to this point. Are they frustrated, stressed, needing to make a change? What are they REALLY looking for? And (here’s the golden nugget), how can our offering help them get what they want?
? We have to make it clear to our clients that we know them inside out to connect with them, leaving them with no doubt that we can help them transform and make their lives better.
❷ When everybody zigs, zag. What’s the thing that makes you different from your competitors? What’s your superpower? Look at your competitors and see what they’re offering, what can you offer that they don’t?
? This is essential if you want to cut through the noise in the marketplace. If you don’t offer something that’s different (even better if it’s RADICALLY different), the only thing you’re competing on is price – and that won’t help you build a strong brand with loyal customers. Offer something different (that also happens to be pretty darn amazing) and you’ll leave all the competition at the starting blocks.
Do you know your customers? If you want to find out how to build a brand that will connect with the hearts and minds of your ideal clients, book a free discovery call with me here and we can look at who your ideal clients are and how we can go about connecting with them.